Video Functions : Video Player Options : Rate a Video
Rate a Video
If ratings have been enabled for content, you may rate each video you view in the ratings section.
*To rate a video:
1. Navigate to User > Media > All Videos > Video Name.
2. Click the Average Rating Received tab to display the My Rating scale. (The Comments tab is displayed by default).
3. Select a star 1 through 5 on the My Rating scale to add your own rating.
Note: If you change a previously rated video, your previous score will be overwritten. This will not change the Total Number of Ratings Received count for the video. The Average Rating Received will be recalculated, however, based on your new rating score.
Keep in mind:
The average rating for each video is represented by a star ratings scale (1 to 5) and round to the nearest whole number.
The total number of the ratings received for each video is in parentheses next to the star ratings scale.
You may click on the star ratings tab to open the My Rating section to rate the video yourself between 1 and 5 stars.
*See Also:
Allow Ratings on All Media
Enable or Disable Ratings for an Individual Video