Video Functions : Video Player Options : Flag or Report a Video
Flag or Report a Video
You may flag or report a video that you think is inappropriate or proprietary on the Video Player page. This will send a notification to Media and Account Admins so that the content may be reviewed and action taken as necessary.
*To flag a video:
1. Navigate to User > Media > My Videos > Video Name.
2. Click the Flag icon in the upper right corner.
3. Enter the reason you are reporting the video. Note: You must click the Submit button here even if you do not enter a reason. If you click Cancel, the video will not be reported.
4. Account and Media admins will receive a notification in Rev and an email so that the video may be reviewed.
5. The notifications and emails will contain the title of the video, name of the user account reporting the video, and the date and time it was reported.
6. Note that reported videos will still be able to be played.
Reporting: All user accounts
Notifications: Account Admin, Media Admin