Vbrick Cross Platform Functions
Vbrick Cross Platform Functions
Rev Devices and Cross Platform Functions
This section of help is strictly for System Administrators and those customers that need to know how to use and set up the various available Vbrick devices with Rev. For example, you likely need to know how to configure Vbrick Encoders and DMEs so that you may stream live video in Rev.
While you can (and should) go to the individual Online help designed for those separate products for more in-depth examination, this section of Rev help presents how to use each one in concert with the other strictly for use in Rev when applicable topics or functions arise.
Caution: Topics in this section are vastly reduced in scope and depth from admin topics in each individual product’s Online help. The intent is to present only the set up you “need to know” for functionality quick set up. For more detailed help, you should visit individual product help topics instead. This includes any duplicate topic you may find in Rev online help itself that is repeated in this particular section of help.