Media Settings : The Features Module : Enable Tropo Integration
Enable Tropo Integration
Rev integrates with Tropo so that you may easily send videos through SMS text messaging to any mobile device in the world. To integrate your Rev account with Tropo, you must first create a Tropo account and then create a WebAPI app to integrate with Rev. Once the integration is enabled, you may share videos in Rev through an SMS button.
Additional Information: Tropo has WebAPI documentation created on the Tropo documentation site that details creating the WebAPI app and specifics on how it works.
This Rev topic specifies what you need to know as far as entering Rev integration details and how to enable Tropo in Rev itself once you have the app set up and ready for use.
When you click the Create New App button on Tropo, select WebAPI app, and then enter the following Rev-specific required information below:
1. Type of Application
a. When selecting the type of application, choose Web (HTTP) API, and specify your Rev URL.
b. Add "media/tropo/messages/script" at the end of the Rev URL
c. Example:
2. Select a Country and Region for your app’s Phone Number. This will be the number that the video and SMS text appears to come from and is generated by Tropo. For development and testing purposes, phone numbers are free. You can add other countries and regions once your app is created and tested.
3. Click the Create App button.
4. Make sure your Text Script was created correctly with "media/tropo/messages/script" attached on the end of your Rev URL in the Script Details section. If it was not, you will need to click the Delete Application button and start over.
5. Make sure a phone number was associated to your app in the Numbers section. If the phone number you selected was not available when you clicked the Create App button, you will need to click the Add button and add a new number for testing purposes.
6. You will use the Messaging API Key at the bottom of the app to enable the integration in Rev. Use the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the key to Rev. Note: If you added a phone number after you created your app, click the Regenerate button before you copy the key to Rev.
*To enable the Tropo Integration in Rev:
1. Navigate to Admin > Media Settings > Features.
2. Select the Tropo Integration Enabled checkbox.
3. Enter the Messaging key you copied from the Tropo WebAPI app in the Messaging Token field. Note: Regenerate this key in Tropo if you changed the app after creating it, such as adding a new phone number. You will also need to disable the integration in Rev, save, and then re-enable it again for the changes to take effect.
4. Click the Save Changes button.
This adds the following functionality to Rev:
A Share to SMS button under the Sharing tab on the Video Player.
This button will allow you to enter a ten digit phone number for US/Canada or a phone number with a country code for international numbers for sharing the video.
Keep in mind that Tropo has its own pricing structure that you will need to set up with your account.
You should always regenerate the Messaging Token in Tropo if you make changes to your WebAPI app. You will need to disable the feature in Rev and then re-enable it to activate your changes.
Tip: If you need to disable Tropo, the integration values entered for the Messaging Token will be saved should you enable the integration again so long as the same token is used.