Events : Attend an Event : Join a Webcast Event from a URL Invite
Join a Webcast Event from a URL Invite
Your Event Host or Moderator has the option of sending you an event invite through an email or calendar invite. Clicking the provided URL will prompt you to log in to Vbrick Rev where you will then be redirected to the Join Webcast button so that you may attend the event.
Tip: Private events (denoted by a lock icon) are only displayed on the Event Calendar when the following conditions are met:
> You are an Event Admin or Account Admin or the Event Host that created the event.
> You have been invited to the private event.
> A group you belong to has been invited to the event. If you are removed from the group that is granted access, you will no longer be able to view or attend the event.
If you do not receive an invite to an event you are expected to attend, contact your Event or Account Admin.