Video Functions : Upload Video and Add Content : Record a Video Conference
Record a Video Conference
The cloud-version Vbrick Rev system supports recording Video Conferences and ingesting them into your standard media workflows. The recordings will capture both active speaker and any content streams (if available). Vbrick’s player has been modified to display both streams and allow user control of layout.
Please review the "Supported Video Conference (VC) System Integrations" topic for specific details and limitations on use.
To record a video conference, follow the steps below to use the Add Content icon and the VC Recording tab to initiate the recording. You must have a Rev cloud account with video conferencing enabled for the VC Recording tab and functionality to be present. Contact Vbrick Support Services for assistance.
*To record a video conference:
1. Click Add Content icon on the menu bar.
2. Click the VC Recording tab.
3. Enter the SIP URL and click the Start Recording button to join and record the video conference of your chosen video source.
4. If a valid SIP URL is used, Rev will connect to the conference room and begin recording.
5. When the Stop button is pushed, Rev will upload the video to Rev and disconnect.
6. Video uploads are automatically set to Inactive status by default
7. Once your video(s) have finished uploading and transcoding, you will receive an email with a link to the video. This means you do not have to keep manually checking your videos to see if they have finished processing.
8. Use the settings button to modify who may access the video, expiration dates, categories, and so forth. See: "Video Settings"
9. You may also edit the video to add chapters and presentation slides if desired. See: "Edit a Video Upload"
Note: By default, video conference recordings just as all other uploaded video as well as video URLs (live and VOD) and recorded Webcasts, are set to Inactive status and must be manually activated.
This allows you to control when videos are available for general viewing so that video settings such as thumbnails, categories, access controls, and so forth may be put in place before allowing your audience to view them.
Role(s): Account Admin, Media Admin, or Media Contributor