Events : Create an Event : Enable Q&A for a Webcast Event
Enable Q&A for a Webcast Event
A Q&A interface may be enabled for your event if you want to allow your attendees to be able to ask questions during your Webcast. This interface is not the same as the Chat interface and should not be used for general comments and conversation among attendees.
Tip: Moderators may also submit questions to seed discussion points during an event. They will be denoted by (Moderator) behind the first and last name of the person submitting the question to other Moderators and the Event Host. If the question is submitted anonymously, it will appear the same as all other anonymous questions. The Q&A report will not denote moderator submitted questions.
*To enable Q&A for an event:
1. Navigate to User > Events > Add Event > Enable Q&A checkbox.
2. Q&A must be enabled first before you are able to enable or disable anonymous questions.
A Q&A session for your event provides the following features:
Question queues - As questions are asked by event attendees, Event Admins or moderators may categorize them into one of three queues so that each question is handled from receipt until closure for the event speaker.
Once the event is concluded, the Event Host or moderator may view a Q&A report for details on how each question was handled.
Q&A Creation: Event Host (During event set up)
Q&A Management: Event Host / Event Moderators (During Webcast)