Users : The Teams Module : Create and Edit a Team
Create and Edit a Team
Teams are a means for you to set up expanded organizational structures focused on permissions and processes.
For example, you may decide to set up an approval processes based on the groups and user accounts in a team. Or, you may base video access on a team in a certain location which would, by extension, grant access to the user accounts and groups in the team.
Tip: You must have the Account Admin or Media Admin role to add or edit a team. Clicking a Team Name or Team Edit icon will edit an existing team.
*To add or edit a Team:
1. Navigate to Admin > Users > Teams.
2. Enter a Name for a new team or click the name to edit the team if it has already been created.
3. Click Quick Add. This does not add any assets to the team.
*To create a team and add assets:
1. Click the Create Team button. The New Team form is displayed.
Team Name: — Create or edit the name as needed.
Team Description — Create or edit text on the purpose of the team.
Assign Users and Groups— Used to add user accounts and groups to the team. Begin typing the name of the user account or group in the Find Items box and Rev will suggest possible existing entries for you. Select the entry you want to add and click Done.
When you have added all user accounts and groups to the team, click the Save Team button.
Keep in mind that all permissions and processes assigned to this team will now be granted to the user accounts and groups saved in the team.
*See Also:
Control View and Edit Access to a Video Upload
Create or Edit an Approval Process