Media Settings : The Features Module : Enable VoiceBase Integration
Enable VoiceBase Integration
Rev integrates with VoiceBase so that, if you have a VoiceBase account, you may send a video for transcription and have a SubRip (.srt) file created directly from Rev. Once your video has been transcribed and the .srt file returned to Rev, your videos are deleted from VoiceBase, ensuring your account’s security.
Note: As of this time, English is the only supported language in VoiceBase. You must have a VoiceBase account created at before you begin this process.
*To enable the VoiceBase Integration in Rev:
1. Navigate to Admin > Media Settings > Features.
2. Select the VoiceBase Integration Enabled checkbox.
3. Enter the APIKey provided to you when you create your VoiceBase account.
4. Enter the Password you create when you set up your VoiceBase account.
5. Click the Save button.
This adds the following functionality to Rev:
A Generate .srt Files button in the Captions section of Video Settings.
This button will allow you to generate a .srt file for the selected video using VoiceBase or continue to create your own using Rev’s caption upload feature.
Keep in mind that VoiceBase has its own pricing structure and is pay as you go per video file.
Tip: If you need to disable VoiceBase, the integration values entered for Client ID and Client Secret will be saved should you enable the integration again.
*See Also:
Add Subtitles to a Video With VoiceBase