Events : Event Reports
Event Reports
Event Analytics and Quality of Experience Reports
Event and Account Admins may access the Event Analytics Reports once the event has ended.
*To access and download event analytics reports/metrics:
1. Navigate to User > Events > Event Calendar > Event Name.
2. Click the Reports button to access Engagement Analytics and Quality of Experience tabs.
3. The Downloads button also contains links to download the Chat, Questions & Answers, Attendees, and Polls reports.
The Engagement Analytics tab displays the following information.
Total number of Attendees (internal versus public)
Total Viewing Time (internal versus public)
Average Viewing Time
Attendee Trends (sessions by time/duration). View how many attendees/sessions are connected to the event at any given time. This allows you to see when people connect/drop-off.
Top 15 Zones used to connect to the event.
Web Browsers used
Device Types used
The Quality of Experience tab displays the following information.
Average Bit Rate Kbps (for all attendees)
Average Bandwidth Mbps (for all attendees)
Average Buffering Duration (in seconds)
Number of Buffering Events that occurred
Multicast (to Unicast) Failover Events that occurred
Average Bit Rate (by event time)
Average Bandwidth (by event time)
Buffering events
Bars represent the total number of buffering events by zone
Dot on each bar represents buffering duration
Video Player (type used and numbers by zone)
Video Stream (type and number of streams by zone)
Failovers (multicast to unicast) experienced by zone
The Users tab displays the following information.
Name (First Name, Last Name)
Viewing Time (Total time in Webcast)
Web browser used (Safari, IE, Chrome, Edge, Mobile browsers specified)
Stream Type
Device Type (Mobile / PC)
The Find User search bar may be used to find a specific user.