User Media Menu : Understanding the Teams Selection Page : View the Number of Uploads, Comments, and Ratings by a Team Member
View the Number of Uploads, Comments, and Ratings by a Team Member
The Team Members function on the Team Landing page will let you display the total number of uploads, comments, and average rating of videos made for a specific team member. Use the Team Members icon to access this functionality on the Team Landing page.
*To display a Team member’s total number of uploads, comments, and average rating:
1. Navigate to Media > Teams Selection Page > Team Landing Page.
2. Click the Team Members icon.
3. Each member of the team will display in alphabetical order by first name.
4. You may also use the Find Team Members search box to find a specific team member.
5. Under each member name the total number of uploads, comments made, and average rating (for all videos) is displayed.
6. These attributes only apply to team videos. If a user uploads a video and does not assign it to the team, or comments on a video not assigned to the team, for example, that information will not be counted here.
7. Further, ratings average will change when videos are added or removed from the team as a result.
*See Also:
Display or Find the Members of a Team
Video Search Filters and the Team Landing Page
Bulk Editing Team Videos
Create and Edit a Team
Set Video Access to Teams