Video Functions : Edit a Video Upload
Edit a Video Upload
After you upload a video to Rev, you may edit it if you have permissions to do so. Editing video uploads in Rev includes such abilities as cropping portions of the video from the front, middle, and end of the clip which will change how it plays and the time length. This is different from editing Video Settings which is also supported in Rev (See: Bulk Editing Video Settings). You may also add PowerPoint presentations and video chapters to your uploads so that other users may jump to defined points on the timeline if desired.
Note: The video editor is not supported on Internet Explorer 9 and smartphone devices. Further, the video editor is not currently compatible with video conference recordings.
To begin editing a video upload, use the Edit icon on the Video Player. (This icon will not be present if you do not have the correct role or edit permissions assigned).
Once the upload has stopped processing, you may edit the clip, described in the topics below.
See Also:
Understanding the Video Editing Interface
Add Chapters to a Video
Add PowerPoint Presentation Chapters to a Video
Select and Cut a Thumbnail Segment
Account Admin
Media Admin
edit access